Best Bikepacking Multi-Tools: Top Picks from the Experts
Recently, I rounded the corner on a lovely piece of single track, hub whirring, just as a light rain started to fall. As I let off the brakes to start pedaling into a short climb, I rushed up on a rider kneeling next to his bike, his chain in his hands. He needed to replace a link, but didn’t have a mini chain breaker tool. Neither did I. He wasn’t terribly far from the trailhead which was mostly downhill, so it wasn’t a tragedy, but I felt bad about not having a tool that could help. Come to think of it, I wasn’t packing any tools at all.
Which leads to the below video.
A quick search for the most broadly useful bike multi-tools led to a lovely rundown from the folks at There are some great options in here, vouched for by people who spend a huge amount of time way, way out there, often MacGyvering their way out of mechanical issues.